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Open Letter: To our countless supporters, advisers, mentors — and most of all — our mentees and Brothers At Bard, Thank You…


Writing this letter is the most incredible and overwhelming feeling I’ve had throughout this journey. I’ve been in the clouds — rejoicing in everything my brothers and I have been able to accomplish for ourselves and our families — and yet, none of it has felt as real as it does at this very moment. The weight of this honor, to pour my heart out on paper, and take on the impossible task of writing six years worth of gratitude and appreciation into one letter, has brought me back down to earth in the realest way possible. Countless late-night conversations with our brother Harry ultimately led to me finally putting my thoughts on paper — and I know his thoughts and emotions are interwoven with mine as I write this letter. My brother’s help in this process highlights the whole purpose of this letter: the fact is, and always has been, that nothing in these past couple years would have been possible without all of you, my brothers. And as I write this letter, the only pressure I feel is the pressure I’ve always felt and cherished the most since we started this journey together: to make you all proud as your brother and friend.

Six years ago, I left home to embark on this journey of higher education — a road filled with limitless possibilities and an unforeseeable future, steered only by the hopes and dreams my peers and I have clung to.

May 14

Bard Center for Civic Engagement Hosts Breakfast to Honor Community Partners

January 23

Bard College to Host Public Discussion with Leading Filmmakers Charles Burnett, Julie Dash, and Bradford Young on Tuesday, February 4