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Brothers at Bard Gets Grant from NBA Foundation

The Daily Freeman

Brothers at Bard has been named as one of 38 recipients in the NBA Foundation’s announcement of new grants totaling $11 million to help create employment opportunities, further career advancement, and drive greater economic empowerment for Black youth.

The recipients were selected as part of the NBA Foundation’s fourth grant round during the league’s Season of Giving, a five-week celebration during the holiday season when the NBA gives back by supporting and uplifting youth, families, and organizations across the country.

Created in August 2020 with a 10-year, $300 million commitment by the 30 NBA team governors, the NBA Foundation is the league’s first-ever charitable foundation.

“Supporting our young people matters now more than ever, and the NBA Foundation is making it possible for us to scale our work and our impact to even more YMOC (young men of color),” said Dariel Vasquez, executive director of Brothers at Bard, in a prepared statement. “Creating a truly just and equitable world is a collective endeavor that requires all of us to do our part. . .:”

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