Fostering Inclusion through ownership

@Bard College

Brothers at Bard (BAB) strives to improve the outcomes of men of color at Bard College by engaging them as mentors for high schoolers in the local community. BAB mentors form a support system, encouraging each other as they navigate life at Bard and pursue their scholarly, extracurricular, and professional goals. The brotherhood forged through meaningful work is used as a vehicle to foster vital social-emotional and academic support, as well as to remove financial barriers for men of color at Bard.

Through comprehensive mentorship and leadership development, BAB taps into the unique potential of male collegians of color, promoting their ability to provide support and guidance to each other and their high school peers. Ultimately, BAB encourages male collegians of color to “pay it forward,” multiplying the impact of the college’s effort to advance the life outcomes of all young people, including boys and young men of color throughout the Hudson Valley.


Campus Presence

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Trips & Retreats

Brothers@ Bard College creates shared-lived experiences through trips and retreats to build a sense of brotherhood and connection rooted in a collective striving to succeed in higher education.


Leadership Development

Brother@ Bard College develops members into mentors through a 10 hour mentor certification process. To be a mentor is also optional, and is not required to be a member and access any supports offered on campus.


Brotherhood Circles

Brothers@ Bard College conducts weekly safe space sessions that allow members connect with their peers through conversation, ice breakers, sporting events, and workshops. These circles allow our mentors to bring their full selves and critically think about their place on campus and the world at large while accessing the institutional knowledge of their Brothers.



“In BAB, we were dynamic leaders on campus and it gave me a sense of confidence. I felt more comfortable in my own skin even when I was in spaces where my skin might have been under attack.”

- BAB MEntor

Our Partner

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Thank you to Bard college for your Partnership, continued commitment to equity, and investment in Brothers@.